Understanding Depression

Depression is a common mood disorder that affects the mind and body. It can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, religion, or socio-economic status.

Common Signs and Symptoms

⦿ Extreme sadness
⦿ Disturbed sleep or appetite
⦿ Dramatic mood swings
⦿ Anger, frustration, or irritability
⦿ Fatigue and lack of energy not alleviated by sleeping
⦿ Inability to concentrate or make decisions
⦿ Feelings of guilt or low self-worth
⦿ Excessive worrying or fear
⦿ Agitation or physical restlessness
⦿ Avoidance of social activities
⦿ Physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomach aches, and back aches.
⦿ Hopelessness and a general loss of interest in life
⦿ Thoughts or acts of suicide or self-harm

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-27 at 1.52.39 PM
WhatsApp Image 2024-09-27 at 1.52.38 PM

It sounds like a really important session! Mental health awareness for teenagers is crucial, especially since so many are experiencing challenges. Engaging them in conversations about mental health can help reduce stigma and encourage them to seek help when needed.

What kind of topics were covered in the session? Were there any specific activities or discussions that stood out?